Design and construction of a new interchange for Exit 4A on I-93 in Londonderry, about a mile north of Exit 4, to provide access to only the east side of I-93. The work on I-93 is approximately 1 mile long. This project also involves constructing a new Connector Road (to be known as Old Rum Trail) between the interchange and Folsom Road in Derry and making upgrades to Folsom Road, Tsienneto Road, and NH Route 102 (Chester Road).
Project location map showing the 3.2-mile-long corridor between I-93 in Londonderry and NH Route 102 in Derry, divided into three major construction projects (13065A, 13065B, and 13065C), a Right-of-Way project (13065), and two building demolition projects (13065D and 13065E).
About the Project
Read an overview of the I-93 Exit 4A Project, learn about the schedule, and view a project location map.
Project History
Read about the project’s history or visit the project materials page to download files.
Project Updates
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